Tips and ideas for working from home Since many people are working from home for the first time due to the COVID-19 crisis – or at least the first time in awhile – we put together some tips for making the best use of your time away from the office. Tools Expectations We do not require core hours for people to be available, though some companies do. Staff are expected to put in a full eight hours, though there’s flexibility on when those happen. We verbally reiterate that outside of quiet time working on big projects, we do expect people to be generally responsive to chats and email during daytime hours. Management makes key announcements delivered both in our group chat and email; this serves to make sure people see the announcement and reiterate those platforms are necessary for day-to-day operations. We’ve completed an exercise to understand everyone’s preferred communication style, so others are aware of how best to reach people. We ask that staff be mindful of ba...
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