How much is enough when it comes to a monthly passive income? Determining the level of passive income you require on a monthly basis is a very personal decision. A generous passive income for one person may be viewed as insufficient by another, for example. However, it may be possible to gain an insight into the level of monthly passive income you require by focusing on your desired expenditure. Then, determining the level of risk you are able and willing to take in order to achieve that goal could be a sound idea. Of course, other considerations such as the sustainability of a passive income, and how long it needs to last, may come into play. They could determine the level of risk that you are willing to take in order to obtain a regular income. Expenditure levels A simple means of deciding how much monthly passive income is enough is to focus on your outgoings. They may be split into necessities, such as housing costs, and discretionary items, such as travel. Togeth...
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