3 Job Skills That Can Help You Thrive Amidst a Pandemic And Beyond
Digital marketing
Even before the pandemic, digital marketing proved revolutionary for businesses willing to take full advantage of its potential reach and ability to sell their brand around the clock. Here's the news—in a post-COVID-19 world, if you're not fully versed on how to make digital marketing work for you, your business will not survive. Ferres refers that, “As we have already seen during the lockdown, online shops were the only ones which thrived, and the only ads which worked were the ones people viewed on the internet, social media sites, and through apps on their mobile devices. In such a landscape, digital marketing is a crucial skill.”
Once the pandemic eases and we return to a new normal, all businesses will need to focus on their digital marketing campaigns to build brand recognition and brand awareness. Remember, from now on, more and more people will be staying at home browsing their devices, and so it is essential that businesses know how to engage with them effectively. As such, a good digital marketer is worth their weight in gold to a host of businesses.
Email copywriting
Content marketing has evolved. It's not just blog posts and editorial strategies anymore; it involves everything from social media posts, SEO articles, and well-crafted email campaigns. We are all inundated with an avalanche of emails daily. If the first couple of lines don’t engage us immediately, the email goes straight into the ‘forgotten’ pile. As such, the importance of a professional and well-written email to represent a brand is priceless. Building a relationship and strengthening it through emails is something many businesses have begun to see the value of in recent times. Ferres shares, “During the pandemic, nearly all of us felt isolated and alienated from the wider world. The internet, social media, and emails helped bridge the gap and made us all feel less alone. If you know how to write engaging, sincere, and effective emails, you can do very well as an email marketing consultant.”
Data science
Our reliance on data, statistics, and graphs during the pandemic has been apparent as a society. Every industry can make huge gains with the right data. Knowing your audience, buying habits, and demographics is an essential tool for building an effective marketing strategy. “The correct data enables marketers to make better marketing decisions. If you know how to collect data and analyze it accordingly, it's a buyer's market where you can name your price,” concludes Ferres
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