12 Passive Income Ideas To Help You Make Money In 2021
What is passive income?
Passive income includes regular earnings from a source other than an employer or contractor.
12 passive income ideas for building wealth
If you’re thinking about creating a passive income stream, check out these 12 strategies and learn what it takes to be successful with them, while also understanding the risks associated with each idea.
1. Selling information products
One popular strategy for passive income is establishing an information product, such as an e-book, or an audio or video course, then kicking back while cash rolls in from the sale of your product
2. Rental income
Investing in rental properties is an effective way to earn passive income. But it often requires more work than people expect.
3. Affiliate marketing
With affiliate marketing, website owners, social media “influencers” or bloggers promote a third party’s product by including a link to the product on their site or social media account
4. Flip retail products
Take advantage of online sales platforms such as eBay or Amazon, and sell products that you find at cut-rate prices elsewhere. You’ll arbitrage the difference in your purchase and sale prices, and may be able build a following of individuals who track your deals.
5. Peer-to-peer lending
Opportunity: As a lender, you earn income via interest payments made on the loans. But because the loan is unsecured, you face the risk of default, meaning you could end up with nothing.
To cut that risk, you need to do two things:
- Diversify your lending portfolio by investing smaller amounts over multiple loans.
- Analyze historical data on the prospective borrowers to make informed picks.
6. Dividend stocks
Dividends are paid per share of stock, so the more shares you own, the higher your payout.
7. Create an app
Creating an app could be a way to make that upfront investment of time and then reap the reward over time. Your app might be a game or one that helps mobile users perform some hard-to-do function. Once your app is public, users download it and you can generate income.
8. REITs
REITs have a special legal structure so that they pay little or no corporate income tax if they pass along most of their income to shareholders..
9. A bond ladder
Opportunity: A bond ladder is a classic passive investment that has appealed to retirees and near-retirees for decades. You can sit back and collect your interest payments, and when the bond matures, you “extend the ladder,” rolling that principal into a new set of bonds. For example, you might start with bonds of one year, three years, five years and seven years.
In a year, when the first bond matures, you have bonds remaining of two years, four years and six years. You can use the proceeds from the recently matured bond to buy another one year or roll out to a longer duration, for example, an eight-year bond.
10. Invest in a high-yield CD or savings account
11. Rent out your home short-term
If you’re going away for the summer or have to be out of town for a while, or maybe even just want to travel, consider renting out your current space while you’re gone.
12. Advertise on your car
Contact a specialized advertising agency, which will evaluate your driving habits, including where you drive and how many miles. If you’re a match with one of their advertisers, the agency will “wrap” your car with the ads at no cost to you. Agencies are looking for newer cars, and drivers should have a clean driving record.
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