How to Make Money Online Using a Blog: 9 Strategies that Work.
Passive ways to make money online
OK, so these methods aren’t entirely passive, but they don’t require a full-blown e-commerce effort, even one using third-party sellers such as Amazon. These methods to make money online involve changing what you already do on your website, mainly creating valuable content. With relatively little effort, you can use these strategies to make money from your website without an entirely new tactic.
Affiliate Marketing
When it comes to making money with a blog, many website owners opt to start with affiliate marketing as it’s a great way to make passive income. Affiliate marketing promotes products from other online businesses to visitors to your website using visual advertising, such as banners embedded on your sidebar, the bottom of your posts, or on your pages.
If you want easy, passive, and lucrative income, ads are the way to go. Advertising works by setting aside specific sections on your website, called ad units, available to advertisers. Although functionally ads look very similar to affiliate marketing, the main difference is in the payment structure. Ads pay for clicks and don’t require conversion, although the payment is much lower than in affiliate marketing.
Header Bidding
Header bidding, the best alternative to AdSense and other similar ad networks, is one of the easiest ways to maximize ad revenue. It’s an advanced programmatic technique that brings an array of ad networks to simultaneously bid for your ad units.
Sponsored Posts
Sponsored posts are articles a company pays a publisher to place on their site, written by the publisher or advertisers to endorse or review products and services. With the right effort, they can easily appear organic and balance promoting a brand with giving users valuable information. Equally beneficial, keeping sponsored posts relevant to trending topics and brands could lead to an influx in traffic for your site.
Active ways to make money online
Guest Blogging
If you enjoy writing–this one is for you! Offer your expert writing services to other bloggers or brands. You can connect with others in your niche and get paid to write guest blog posts on their websites about anything from reviews to solutions. Much like freelance writing, guest blogging is a great source of income if you like to write. This strategy works in one of two ways.
Lead Generation
Though this won’t get you rich, it can bring you lovely little bursts of revenue from time to time (vacation, anyone?). With lead generation, you’re connecting third-party organizations with relevant users in your audience/niche. Publishers get paid for supplying data (emails, names, etc.); no user purchasing of products or services required.
Sell Digital Products
Digital products require an initial upfront effort but are a highly profitable revenue stream for publishers. You can create online products such as an Ebook, course, or guides for popular topics or solutions their viewers seek. You then sell these products on your website or even use affiliate marketing or advertising to sell them from other websites, as well.
Offer Your Services
As a publisher, you already have a solid portfolio (your website!) and access to a strong client pool (your readers!). If you’re good at other aspects of blogging (graphics, monetizing methods, etc.), feel free to freelance your services. Your dedicated readers trust you, and it’s the perfect chance to help them further. Allow them to reach out and work with you on an individual level with a ‘hire me’ or ‘work with me’ call-to-action button on your website.
Take Donations
This is more of an honorable mention, but you never know. There’s no shame in asking for a monetary donation if you invested a great deal of effort into crafting a quality website for your readers
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