If you are a student you need cash to meet the escalating costs of textbooks, fees, and daily expenses. Side hustles are a great and creative way to relieve some of those overwhelming stresses while earning extra cash on the side. They also provide a route to skill development, flexibility, and personal growth . Here are top 10 side hustles for students, each a key to unlocking financial freedom and a gate to valuable experiences. 1. You can Resell your used or vintage goods Turn items you don’t use anymore into cash by diving into the world of resale. Platforms like Facebook Marketplace welcome your unwanted items, while thrift stores like Plato’s Closet pay you for fashionable clothing. It’s a win-win—declutter your space and pocket $20 to $40 per clothing item. 2.You can Sell your designs Selling designs is a great way to make money right from the comfort of your desk. Platforms like Printify allow you to simply upload your des...
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